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Win more deals

Grind your teeth at your team’s easily avoidable lost deals.
Or fix it forever.

Your sales team are losing easy deals they obviously shouldn’t be. Get instant, team-wide call insights flagging objections, questions, competitors and themes in one seamless dashboard so you can arm your sales team with the right sales enablement to win more deals.

Win deals faster

Sales enablement delivered to your sales team automatically

Most AEs and SDRs are confused and don’t know where or how to get the right sales enablement content.

Close deals faster as Letterdrop listens for questions prospects ask on calls and emails the top three relevant sales enablement assets to your sales reps immediately after the call finishes.

Try it yourself

Meet our sales enablement superstar

Pecan AI gets insights from 100's of hours of calls, instantly

Since onboarding Letterdrop, Pecan AI has drastically improved efficiency  across their sales team.

Read the case study

Hours saved

Pecan AI gathers insights in 30mins rather than 100's of hours


Lean team

Pecan AI handles all sales enablement for AEs, SDRs, and the CS team with just one person.

Ready to automate sales enablement?

Letterdrop keeps sales team aligned on the content needed to close more deals, faster.